Hedgehogs and Dry Skin: Causes, Treatments, and Prevention

While they may look tough on the outside, hedgehogs are pretty delicate and can suffer from various health problems. One of the most common is dry skin. Hedgehogs will typically start to scratch themselves frequently when their skin gets dry, which can further irritation and lead to other problems. 

Hedgehogs are prone to skin irritation for many reasons. Bathing them too often can strip their skin of natural oils, leaving it dry and vulnerable to other problems. Mites and fungal and bacterial infections can all cause irritation and itchiness. An oatmeal bath can be given to provide instant relief, while adding salmon oil to a hedgehog’s diet promote long-term healing.

If your hedgehog is scratching a lot, it’s important to determine the root of the problem and take steps to correct it. We’ll explore some of the most common causes of dry skin in hedgehogs and provide tips on how to help your hedgie stay comfortable and healthy.

What Does Dry Skin Look Like in Hedgehogs?

When you notice your prickly friend scratching a lot, it’s time for a general inspection. Take a look at its ears, face, between its quills, and the soft underbelly of its body. This will be a great way to see whether it is a real issue or a regular itch. 

Dry skin is a common issue for hedgehogs and can manifest in several ways. The skin may appear dry and cracked, like a desert landscape, or it may be flakey and irritated, like dandruff. In either case, dry skin can be uncomfortable for hedgehogs.

If your hedgehog has redness under its quills or is falling quills in bald patches, it is a sign of a more severe problem that will need a vet visit. 

Why Is My Hedgehog’s Skin So Dry?

Even though they have little needles growing out of their skin, hedgehogs have sensitive skin. Here are a few things that might cause your hedgehog’s dry skin.

Bathing Too Often

While it is essential to keep your hedgehog clean, you should be careful not to bathe it too often. Hedgehogs have delicate skin, and too much bathing can cause irritation. Aim for no more than once a month. If your hedgehog’s skin is dry or flaky, you may need to bathe even less often.

Prolonged use of shampoo can also strip away natural oils, leading to flaky, dry skin. You can use mild soap on your hedgie (we recommend the Aveeno Baby Wash), but be sure to rinse well.

Dry Air

A hedgehog’s skin may become dry and cracked for several reasons. It may be due to a lack of moisture in the air. This is often the case during the winter months when heating systems can cause the air to become very dry. If you live in a dry climate, it may also be the cause of your hog’s dry skin.

Since dry air strips the natural moisture and oils on the skin of a hedgehog, try to compensate with a humidifier. Only use distilled water and clean it regularly to keep the germs at bay.


Mites are another irritant in hedgehogs; they are small parasitic creatures that live off the blood supply in the hedgehog’s skin. Dry skin and mites could present themselves similarly, especially if the mites are in the beginning stage. 

Hedgehogs are susceptible to a type of mite that can cause severe irritation. These mites are typically found in bedding, so it’s best to use bedding that can be easily washed. Fleece bedding is a good option, as it can be washed regularly without damaging the material. If you use another type of bedding, like paper bedding, you can freeze it before using it in your hedgehog’s cage to kill any existing mites. 

If you suspect your hedgehog has mites, it’s essential to consult an exotic vet as soon as possible. Over-the-counter medications are ineffective against hedgehog mites and can be fatal if misused. A vet will prescribe the correct medication and dosage.

Fungal and Bacterial Infections

Hedgehogs can also suffer from fungal and bacterial infections. Their skin will be visibly irritated when affected, much more than a normal dry skin condition. In addition to itchiness, redness and swelling are also symptoms of fungal and bacterial infections.

If you suspect your hedgehog has a fungal or bacterial infection, please seek the care of an exotic vet so the infection can be effectively treated. Untreated infections can spread and become more difficult to treat.

How to Fix Dry Skin on Hedgehogs?

If your hedgehog’s skin becomes too dry, it can crack and become flaky, causing discomfort. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to help your hedgehog with dry skin.

Temporary Instant Relief: Oatmeal Bath

Dry skin can be very itchy and uncomfortable. That’s why giving your hedgehog an oatmeal bath is a great way to provide it with temporary instant relief. Oatmeal is a natural ingredient known to soothe and relieve dry, itchy, and irritated skin. 

First, fill the bathroom sink with about one or two inches of warm to the wrist water. The water in the sink must not be too deep, just up to your hedgehog’s belly. Hedgehogs should never get water in their eyes, ears, and nose as it could cause an infection. 

Baths are usually not a hedgehog’s favorite activity, so it’s important to make sure that your pet feels safe and secure. One way to do this is to place a hand towel on the floor of the sink. This will help prevent your hedgehog from slipping and give it a sense of security.

Next, place oats in an old sock. Squish the sock around in the bath water. It should take about 5 minutes before the water turns milky. Use a cup to pour the bath water over your hedgehog and let it soak in it for a few minutes. After it has soaked, give it a regular bath using the Aveeno Baby Wash, and use a soft toothbrush to go over its quills. 

After you’ve finished bathing your hedgehog, be sure to rinse it with clear water to remove all the soap. Then, wrap it in a small towel and hold it close until it’s completely dry. This will help prevent your hedgehog from getting chilled and give you a chance to bond with it.

While an oatmeal bath can help to soothe your hedgehog’s dry skin, it is important to note that it should only be given about once a month. Bathing your hedgehog more often could actually cause more dry skin. An oatmeal bath is only a temporary solution but can provide instant relief. 

Long-Term Healing: Salmon Oil

Dry skin can be a severe problem for hedgehogs. If not treated properly, it can crack and bleed, leaving the hedgehog vulnerable to infection.

The good news is that dry skin can be healed with the proper care.

The best way to treat dry skin on a hedgehog is by adding salmon oil to its diet. Salmon oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, essential for healthy skin. Adding 2 or 3 drops of salmon oil to your hedgehog’s food every other day will help to soothe the skin from the inside and prevent dry skin in the future.

It can take up to 4 weeks of consistent use before you start to see improvement. However, if the dry skin does not improve or worsens in that time frame, please consult a vet. A vet can then do a skin scrape and any other necessary tests to rule out mites, fungal or skin infections, or other illnesses that may be causing dry skin.

Note that you should never put oils on a hedgehog’s skin directly, as it can clog pores and cause a fungal infection. Only add salmon oil to your hedgehog’s food.

Most hedgehogs enjoy the taste of salmon oil, but some may prefer the taste of flaxseed oil. Note that salmon oil is the most effective oil for healing hedgehog dry skin, but flaxseed oil still works decently.

How to Prevent Dry Skin on Hedgehogs?

They say prevention is better than cure, and it would be easier to try and avoid these situations in the future, so here are some tips to prevent dry skin on hedgehogs:

  • Hedgehogs naturally have dry skin, and frequent baths can worsen this problem. Instead, bathe your hedgehog no more than once a month using a gentle soap. Be sure to rinse all the soap off, as residual soap can irritate your hedgehog’s skin.
  • Like most animals, hedgehogs rely heavily on water to help keep their skin moisturized. Putting fresh water out daily will help keep them hydrated.
  • Hedgehogs typically have dry skin, and a dirty cage can worsen the problem and cause infections. It is important to clean your hedgehog’s cage every day. This means cleaning the wheel, removing waste and uneaten food, and changing the bedding when soiled.
  • Salmon oil helps to prevent dry skin by providing essential fatty acids that keep the skin moisturized. It also helps to maintain healthy skin by keeping the coat shiny and smooth. Including salmon oil in your hedgehog’s diet is a great way to help them stay healthy and comfortable.
  • Hedgehogs have sensitive skin that can be easily irritated, so it’s important to regularly check for any dry patches, redness, or swelling. If you notice any changes in your hedgehog’s skin, take it to the vet as soon as possible.

Dry Ears: How to Treat Them?

If your hedgehog is scratching its ears frequently or if its ears appear dry or crusty, it’s important to take action.

First off, you need to do an examination. Gently feel the texture of your hedgehog’s ears and inspect them for signs of tattered edges, redness, or swelling. This is important as dry ears could have multiple causes.

If you find tattered edges, this is a sign of mite infestation. You will need the help of a vet as soon as possible. Not treating ear mites can lead to permanent disfigurement. If you find red, swollen ears and see pus leaking out, this also needs immediate veterinary care as it might be a bacterial or fungal infection.

There are some home remedies if you find no redness or swollen tissue and no tattered edges, just usual dryness. Massage your hedgehog’s ears with a drop of vitamin E oil. The dry skin should eventually massage off of the ear. It also works for snouts, tails, and paws. Please do not use fragrance lotions, as this might worsen dry ears.

Remember that oil can be topically applied to ears, snouts, tails, and paws, but it should never be used directly on a hedgehog’s back, as it could cause a fungal infection.

The Bottom Line

Dry skin can be caused by several factors, including frequent bathing, dry air, mites, and fungal and bacterial infections. In most cases, dry skin can be quickly treated with prompt treatment. Hedgehog owners should keep an open eye on their hedgehog’s skin. If dry skin is left untreated, it can lead to more severe problems.

For hedgehogs suffering from dry skin, an oatmeal bath is a great way to offer instant relief. The oatmeal helps to soothe the skin and provide much-needed moisture. Adding salmon oil to the diet is an excellent way to provide long-term healing. Salmon oil is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, essential for healthy skin and coat. Offering an oatmeal bath and adding salmon oil to the diet can help our hedgehogs feel better and heal their dry skin.